Take Off into The Space Time Vortex
Sherlock Pool begins piloting the Pandorica TARDIS. Ashley Brooke knew Sherlock Pool had it in himself She said," This is your story Sherlock Pool. Only you get to write it." Sherlock Pool addresses The Reader's," I know that the person writing my Story is a big fan of both Doctor Who, Marvel, and a whole bunch of franchises. You're doing great pal, I thank you for the opportunity." Sherlock Pool is accurate in his description of himself. Sherlock Pool says to Ashley," Ashley, Can you hold down a few levers there, and There." He points to two lever's spaced apart. Ashley Brooke did as instructed and they flew into the Space Time vortex. Sherlock Pool," I know the reader's have a few good questions and I do myself for example: Who is going to be the next Doctor Who Show runner after Russell T Davies's second era?, Boy that bi-generation was quite Amazing wouldn't it?, When is The Harry Potter reboot TV series on MAX? The Fifteen...