The TVA puts Variants of The Doctor's Companions in charge of The Rebovus TVA
Boss B-15 Continued," With out Sherlock Pool and a person on the inside of rebovus TVA, We wouldn't have been able to find you and hold you to account." IJuray said," I found out The truth about Rebovus TVA's mission. I am so sorry for all the organization has been up to under Quintance. Ashley Gray Brooke, I never thought I'd see you again." Ashley Brooke asked," How do you know me?" IJuray said," I'm IJuray , I delivered you to the orphanage when you were just a baby girl. I see you have held my advice in your heart." Ashley Brooke asked,"You mean the advice you gave me as a baby? Yes, it's never stierd me wrong." Quintance said," I did this. Give me some credit!?!?!?!?!?!" The main TVA officer's had him in their grasp. Boss B-15 said," See to it that Quintance is made infamous and These people. Sherlock Pool, Ashley Brooke, Martha Tyler, Cohen Smith, and Colonel Jakeson Harkness manage Rebovus T...